In Society > Peace Proposals

Peace Proposals

Every year, since 1983 SGI President Daisaku Ikeda has written and published a peace proposal which he has presented to the United Nations. Each proposal has a key theme which focuses on global issues affecting politicians, policy makers and individuals alike. Overall these proposals explore the interrelation between core Buddhist concepts and the diverse challenges global society faces in the effort to realise peace and human security. In addition, President Ikeda has made proposals touching on specific issues affecting society such as education reform, the environment, the United Nations and nuclear abolition. Below is a list of SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s Peace Proposals – please click for a summary and/or the full text.

Peace Proposal 2022

Transforming Human History: The Light of Peace and Dignity

Even as we approach the second anniversary of the official declaration of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, variants continue to emerge, causing new waves of infection and creating challenging conditions in many countr...

Peace Proposal 2021

Value Creation in a Time of Crisis

The world today is faced with a complex set of urgent crises that can only be described as unprecedented in the history of humankind. In addition to the increasing incidence every passing year of extreme weather events that r...

Peace Proposal 2020

Toward Our Shared Future: Constructing an Era of Human Solidarity

Against a backdrop of deepening concern about the growing impact of global warming, the Climate Action Summit was held at the United Nations in September last year. Climate change represents a threat to all people living on Ear...

Peace Proposal 2019

Toward a New Era of Peace and Disarmament: A People-Centered Approach

Last May, UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched the UN Disarmament Agenda in which he noted that total military spending was around eighty times the amount required to meet the humanitarian aid needs of the whole world...

Peace Proposal 2018

Toward an Era of Human Rights: Building a People’s Movement

The year 2017 proved to be a turning point for peace and disarmament. A series of negotiations at the United Nations finally led to the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in July; to date it has...

Peace Proposal 2017

The Global Solidarity of Youth: Ushering In a New Era of Hope

The synopsis of SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s 2017 peace proposal, “The Global Solidarity of Youth: Ushering In a New Era of Hope.”Sixty years have passed since my mentor, second Soka Gakkai presiden...

Peace Proposal 2016

Universal Respect for Human Dignity: The Great Path to Peace

SynopsisAll people have the right to live in happiness. The prime objective of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) movement is to forge an expanding solidarity of ordinary citizens committed to protecting that right and, in thi...

Peace Proposal 2015

A Shared Pledge for a More Humane Future: To Eliminate Misery from the Earth

SynopsisOn the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), I would like to offer some thoughts on ways to generate greater solidarity among the people of the world for peace...

Peace Proposal 2014

Value Creation for Global Change: Building Resilient and Sustainable Societies

SynopsisTo commemorate January 26, the anniversary of the founding of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), I would like to offer thoughts on how we can redirect the currents of the twenty-first century toward greater hope, soli...

Peace Proposal 2013

Compassion, Wisdom and Courage: Building a Global Society of Peace and Creative Coexistence

SynopsisEfforts are currently under way to define a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a target date of 2030. As we debate these goals, we must face head-on the underlying ailments of human civilization in order t...

Peace Proposal 2012

Human Security and Sustainability: Sharing Reverence for the Dignity of Life

SynopsisThe economist Amartya Sen, a renowned advocate of the methods and approaches of human security, has emphasized "the dangers of sudden deprivation." Such unanticipated threats can take the form of natural disas...

Peace Proposal 2011

Toward a World of Dignity for All :The Triumph of the Creative Life

SynopsisOur contemporary society is becoming increasingly fragmented as traditional family and community bonds break down. This is closely linked to a failure of communication, a breakdown of language as words become devalued a...

Peace Proposal 2010

Toward a New Era of Value Creation

SynopsisWe are living in an era marked by an absence of values, in which no measure of worth other than the monetary is recognized. Discussions of poverty and income disparity, for example, are cast solely in terms of monetary ...

Peace Proposal 2009

Toward Humanitarian Competition: A New Current in History

SynopsisThe impact of the "once-in-a-century" financial meltdown has now spread to engulf the whole world. There are growing signs that the current financial turmoil is undermining the real economy, bringing about a g...

Peace Proposal 2008

Humanizing Religion, Creating Peace

SynopsisThe optimism that greeted the end of the Cold War and the prospect of the creation of a new world order quickly dissolved, to be replaced by an overriding impression of global disorder. While initiatives continue in the...

Peace Proposal 2007

Restoring the Human Connection: The First Step to Global Peace

Synopsis The year 2007 marks fifty years since the second president of the Soka Gakkai, Josei Toda, made an historic declaration condemning nuclear weapons as "an absolute evil' and calling for their prohibition, stati...

Peace Proposal 2006

A New Era of the People

Synopsis The year 2005 was marked by a series of devastating natural disasters, continuing terror attacks and conflict, and the threat of virulent new diseases. These issues affect every one of us, with no respect for political...

Peace Proposal 2005

Toward a New Era of Dialogue: Humanism Explored

Synopsis There has been an extraordinary heightening of tensions around the world since September 11, 2001. In many countries the priority accorded to national security has been used to justify curtailment of rights and freedom...

Peace Proposal 2004

Inner Transformation: Creating a Global Groundswell for Peace

Synopsis In recent years, international society has been convulsed by new threats and divisive debate over how best to respond to them. We cannot turn a blind eye; at the same time, however, it is clear that an exclusive relian...

Peace Proposal 2003

A Global Ethic of Coexistence: Toward a "Life-Sized" Paradigm for Our Age

Synopsis The high hopes with which we greeted the start of the twenty-first century seem to have been replaced with a sense of frustration and hopelessness. Although the two key themes of the new century need to be the culture ...

Peace Proposal 2002

The Humanism of the Middle Way: Dawn of a Global Civilization

Synopsis It was particularly bitter that 2001, the first year of the new century, was marred by the tragic September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. This incident was diametrically opposed to the spirit of dialogue, ...

Peace Proposal 2001

Creating and Sustaining a Century of Life: Challenges for a New Era

SynopsisAt the start of a new century, it is natural that humankind question what we achieved in the last century and what we can expect of the next. The twentieth century has seen commendable progress in the fields of science ...

Peace Proposal 2000

Peace through Dialogue: A Time to Talk Thoughts on a Culture of Peace

Synopsis The problems confronting humankind are daunting in their depth and complexity. While it may be hard to see where to begin--or how--we must never give in to cynicism or paralysis. We must refuse the temptation to passiv...