The seventh and eighth articles of the SGI Charter state: • SGI shall, based on the Buddhist spirit of tolerance, respect other religions, engage in dialogue and work together with them toward the resolution of fundamental issues concerning humanity. • SGI shall respect cultural diversity and promote cultural exchange, thereby creating an international society of mutual understanding and harmony. In the spirit of these articles SGI-UK, at a national and local level, engages in multi-faith activities and inter-faith dialogue. In many areas members of SGI-UK are actively involved in inter-faith forums and local inter-faith activities and are members of their local SACREs (Standing Advisory Committees on Religious Education). On a national level we have been involved in multi-faith events and together with representatives of other faiths and academics we have organised two multi-faith seminars at Taplow Court:- The Morehouse College exhibition - Gandhi, King, Ikeda - has been shown at a number of inter-faith activities. Within the Buddhist community in the UK SGI-UK is a member of the Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO). In 2008 SGI-UK sponsored a Three Faiths Project funded from a grant from the Home Office Community Cohesion programme.