In Society > Interfaith


The seventh and eighth articles of the SGI Charter state:

•    SGI shall, based on the Buddhist spirit of tolerance, respect other religions, engage in dialogue and work together with them toward the resolution of fundamental issues concerning humanity.
•    SGI shall respect cultural diversity and promote cultural exchange, thereby creating an international society of mutual understanding and harmony.

In the spirit of these articles SGI-UK, at a national and local level, engages in multi-faith activities and inter-faith dialogue.
In many areas members of SGI-UK are actively involved in inter-faith forums and local inter-faith activities and are members of their local SACREs (Standing Advisory Committees on Religious Education).

On a national level we have been involved in multi-faith events and together with representatives of other faiths and academics we have organised two multi-faith seminars at Taplow Court:-

The Morehouse College exhibition - Gandhi, King, Ikeda - has been shown at a number of inter-faith activities.

Within the Buddhist community in the UK SGI-UK is a member of the Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO).

In 2008 SGI-UK sponsored a Three Faiths Project funded from a grant from the Home Office Community Cohesion programme.


3 Faiths Project

SGI-UK facilitates a 3 faiths community project. Responding to the current issues in UK society of Islamaphobia, the polarisation between Christianity and Islam and the tensions between white and black people, which for many centuries in the UK has expressed itself as racism, SGI-UK embarked upon a...

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